Gopal's Bookshelf

“The love of books is a love which requires neither justification, apology, nor defense.” - J.A. Langford

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


The heat is on... I have revised my target of reading 50 books to 60 books this year and so far I'm behind the pace by  5% or by 2 books.

Last week I was reading 5 books here's the update on them:
This week I'm gonna plod my way through the following books:

1. Temple of Gods - Andy McDermott - FINISHED. Rating: 3/5

2. The Best Thing About You is You! - Anupam Kher (Reco by my sis.. Says it;s good. Wait for my review) - FINISHED -  Rating 4/5. Review over the weekend, need to collect all the memorable quotes from this one.

3. The Last Templar - Raymond Khoury (It's been on my reading list forever. The story is good enough, but I haven't found the patience to finish it in 1 go.) - Still in progress.... God When am I going to finish it.

4. The Four-Week Countdown Diet: Now You Choose How you Lose - Namita Jain (Again given to me by my sis. This 1 i'm sure will take a loooong time to be done and over with. Review will come up as usual) - Inprogress

5. Indecent Exposure - Tom Sharpe. Now this one came up from my friend Praveen's Shelfari. It's a supposedly black humor satrical book on aparatheid South Africa. Looked intriguing. - FINISHED. Loved it!!!!! Will Review in a marathon session covering 3 books completed in the week.
I am also looking for ideas to revamp my blog maybe categorize it a littel better to help people find what they want to read easily rather than trawl through all the stuff.. Ideas, Suggestions, criticisms welcome....



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