Gopal's Bookshelf

“The love of books is a love which requires neither justification, apology, nor defense.” - J.A. Langford

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Book Review -- Exclusive by Sandra Brown

ExclusiveExclusive by Sandra Brown
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Exclusive by Sandra Brown

Sandra Brown’s novels are typical in their approach, a good drop dead looking hero, a unassuming all around bleeding heart heroine, a villain who will go any lengths to achieve his objective and a plot which follows the formula.

Heroine is down on luck, do gooder who catches a seemingly luck break - Check .

Hero is a tough, macho guy who keeps his silence - Check

A heinous, nefarious crime that has been covered up and needs to be exposed for what it is exposing the villain - Check, check

A twist at the end of the tale Check

While formulaic, where Brown excels is in her characterization, she creates various plots and scenes where nobody looks innocent, the motives of everybody is questioned until the end where the reader gets to know the suspense and then wonders back how the hell did they miss those clues.

This is what makes Sandra Brown stand out from the crowd of writers writing mystery, suspense, romance thrillers. The ability to draw the reader into the conclusions that she wants them to draw and then spring a surprise on her.

Sandra Brown scores consistently high in the thriller genre due to this. Hence the 4 star rating even though the book is formulaic.

Verdict: The plot twists will keep you engaged. Give it a whirl.


Book Review -- The Tesla Secret by Alex Lukeman

The Tesla Secret (The Project, #5)The Tesla Secret by Alex Lukeman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Picked this book up for free from Amazon Kindle courtesy of The premise looked interesting and book looked short enough in terms of number of pages to read through in a single day.

The title in GoodReads did say it was #5 in a series written by Lukeman about a agency called THE PROJECT. But still I figured what the heck!! I will read through this and if the book feels good then I will pick up the remaining book in the series as they become available through Amazon on a lowered price range.

The book was interesting, it did not offer too many technical details, the action was good and the scenes moved at a decent clip. The series is touted by Lukeman based on the lead pair Nick Carter & Selena Connor, it is more involved in its characterization as based on different members of THE Project team.

It is a quick breezy read, the action is good and there is right amount of emotions within the team members and the dynamics between the lead pair. I was intrigued and will pick up the other books from the author as and when they are available.

A good start and another good author find. I would give the book a good 3 stars in rating.

Verdict: Read
