Gopal's Bookshelf

“The love of books is a love which requires neither justification, apology, nor defense.” - J.A. Langford

Monday, November 3, 2014

Reading List - 2nd Nov 2014

Reading List - 2nd Nov 2014
You have good days and you have bad. This week was exceptionally bad as I have made absolutely zero progress on my reading list and I am yet to blog my review for The Sign. Here's to hoping that this current week works out better than the last.

This weeks reading list is as follows:
  1. Troll Mountain by Matthew Reilly
  2. Choose to Lose: The 7-Day Carb Cycle Solution by Chris Powell
  3. The Enemy by Tom Wood
Pending Reviews:

  1. The Tournament by Matthew Reilly
  2. The Sign by Raymond Khoury
